Remediation of a former paint factory site

At the site of a former paint factory an extensive soil and groundwater contamination caused by solvents was revealed.

The contaminants are C6 –C8 aliphatic hydrocarbons and BTEX, characteristically toluene.

The site is currently being remediated by air sparging technology.
The peculiarity of the planning and installation is that when locating the 600 meter long air extracting drain and the 24 air injecting wells we had to take into consideration the construction plans of buildings to be built inside the contaminated area. During installation we positioned these objects so that they are under the buildings and they can be operated from under the buildings that have been built since then.

Our services:

air sparking


    Europe  Hungary  

Responsible office:

Our services in the project:

Intergeo Services
Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Remediation

Intergeo has performed over 10.000 soil and groundwater investigations in Europe and overseas since being founded in Salzburg in 1983. We provide a single source for all services – from the initial investigation to the detailed remediation action plan.