Remediation of contaminated groundwater

In this case the groundwater contamination (Perchloroethylene and Trichloroethylene) originated in the unsaturated soil zone on a company site. The contamination spread approx. 700 m to water conservation and protection areas.

The groundwater was remediated using three remediation wells with a maximum flow of 3 L/sec (total capacity 9 L/sec).

All installations including well construction were performed under the responsibility and to the specifications of INTERGEO Environmental Technology as well as under the remediation supervision and to the satisfaction of the relevant authority.

Our services:

Remediation wells


    Czech Republic  Europe  

Responsible office:

Our services in the project:

Intergeo Services
Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Remediation

Intergeo has performed over 10.000 soil and groundwater investigations in Europe and overseas since being founded in Salzburg in 1983. We provide a single source for all services – from the initial investigation to the detailed remediation action plan.