Remediation of Soil and Groundwater

Removal of the NAPL (Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid), reduction of oil compounds dissolved in groundwater and extraction of occluded gases retained in soil below the remediation target values.
In-situ Remediation Measures: Dual Phase Vacuum Extraction

Remediation Target Values:

Absence of NAPL
TPH < 513,8 mg/l
Benzene: 1,7 mg/l
Toluene: 1,7 mg/l
Ethylbenzene: 1,7 mg/l
Xylenes: 1,7 mg/l

TPH: 3500 ppm

Our services:

Soil-gas extraction

Skimmer and underwater pumping

Oil separator

Wet activated-carbon filter

Monthly Monitoring of liquid effluents and measurement of NAPL

Monthly Reports


    Argentinia  South America  

Responsible office:

Our services in the project:

Intergeo Services
Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Remediation

Intergeo has performed over 10.000 soil and groundwater investigations in Europe and overseas since being founded in Salzburg in 1983. We provide a single source for all services – from the initial investigation to the detailed remediation action plan.