Sarkandaugava Harbour Remediation in Riga

Remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with oil products (LNAPL) from a site in the immediate vicinity of a river.

The site is in the harbour area of Riga and is immediately next to the Sarkandaugava River. The main contaminants are TPH (oil-products) which have created a phase body (LNAPL) of ca. 5.5 ha.

The goal of the project is to remove the LNAPL layer (calculated at 500 t) and also to remove ca. 160 t of contaminants mainly absorbed in the vadose zone

Our services:

Remedial Design,
Remedial Pilot Studies,
Environmental Status Reports,
Remedial soil and groundwater studies/investigations (including soil and groundwater sampling),
Laboratory tests (microcosm studies, column tests),
Planning, design and Construction of all remediation equipment,
Pollution prevention designs and reports,
Engineering / planning studies and assessments


    Europe  Latvia  

Responsible office:

Our services in the project:

Intergeo Services
Chemical Analysis and Laboratory

INTERGEO runs several environmental chemical laboratories which are accredited according to EN ISO / IEC 17025.

Intergeo Services
Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Remediation

Intergeo has performed over 10.000 soil and groundwater investigations in Europe and overseas since being founded in Salzburg in 1983. We provide a single source for all services – from the initial investigation to the detailed remediation action plan.

Intergeo Services
Soil and Groundwater Remediation

INTERGEO implements cutting-edge innovation and technology to simplify remedial actions and reduce costs.