Tank Farm Investigation and Remediation

Discovery and containment of a mineral-oil hydrocarbon contamination on a tank farm (8000m²), risk assessment, preparation and execution of remediation measures

Services performed:
Investigation: Planning and execution of a total of 50 percussion drills and installation of 8 groundwater monitoring wells incl. analysis and reporting. Soil and soil-gas sampling, water sampling, geodetic measurements, groundwater level measurements, preparation of groundwater models and geological profiles, preparation of damage charts for the saturated and unsaturated soil zone.

Remediation: Planning and performance of Ex-Situ remediation measures – Preparation of a remediation plan, excavation to 8 m bgl with water retention – environmental technical excavation supervision; Disposal of ca. 6.550 t contaminated soil.

Groundwater-Monitoring: periodic groundwater sampling and analysis at the existing groundwater measuring points to guard against contaminant drift from the contamination still present under the tank farm (part of the remediation plan)

Oct. – Nov. 2003 (investigation phase I)
Dec. 2004 – Feb. 2005 (Investigation phase II)
April – June 2007 Excavation with water retention
since April 2007 groundwater Monitoring

Our services:

Percussion drilling
groundwater monitoring wells

Soil and Soil-gas sampling

Water sampling

Geodetic measurements

groundwater level measurements


Excavation supervision

groundwater Monitoring:


    Austria  Europe  

Responsible office:

Our services in the project:

Intergeo Services
Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Remediation

Intergeo has performed over 10.000 soil and groundwater investigations in Europe and overseas since being founded in Salzburg in 1983. We provide a single source for all services – from the initial investigation to the detailed remediation action plan.