Township Administration Zákupy, TOPEKO Co.Ltd, Praha
Remedy of an unsaturated zone extensively contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons in the area of the former fuel storehouse of the Soviet army at Zákupy, 1993 – 1995
Decontaminated area: approx. 2000 m2
Applied technology: venting combined with liquidation of high contents of light petroleum hydrocarbons (gasoline) using high temperature combustion
Volume of extracted pollutants: 10 850 kg
Costs per extracted pollutant: 220 Kč/kg
Decontamination was completed, target concentration a sum of 100 mg/m3 of gasoline, initial concentration approx. 40 000 mg/m3
Our services:
Sanierung einer ungesättigten Bodenzone
Belüftung kombiniert mit Verflüssigung von
hohen Konzentrationen von Lichtmineralölkohlenwasserstoffen (Benzin)
mittels Hochtemperaturverbrennung
Czech Republic Europe
Responsible office:
Czech Republic – Prague-West
SAKOL ekotechnologie, spol. s r. o.
Nad Safinou 342, Vestec 252 42 Jesenice