Risk assessment of a military site in Bavaria
In the course
of a change of use of a site that had been used for military purposes, a risk
assessment was mandated in view of the takeover negotiations. Inter alia it
included the establishment of a basis for the deconstruction concept as well as
for the new building concept. The building fabrics of the existing buildings
have been investigated. Moreover an exploratory soil analysis has been
arranged. The suspicion of building fabric immanent pollutants and secondary
contaminations, especially PAH, mineral oil, PCB, heavy metals and asbestos,
necessitated an inspection and sampling of suspicious components. The mineral
building fabric has been examined and declared for disposal matters.
In order to find out about potential soil
contaminations pile, core drillings have been accomplished on specific areas
that arouse suspicion concerning waste disposals. Selected soil samples have
been scrutinized for the parameters characteristic of waste disposals, such as
PAH, mineral oil, heavy metals, PCB, and cyanides as well as soil air samples
that have been tested for BTEX and lightly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons in
order to detect contaminations. Furthermore, the anthropogenic fillings have
been sampled and site-specifically analyzed for compounds that are typical of
explosives. In connection with declaration analyses disposal routes for the
excavated materials that occur in the new building phase can be designed.
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orientierende Bodenuntersuchung
Bodenproben und Bodenluftproben laboranalytisch
Europe Germany
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Germany – Augsburg
INTERGEO Augsburg GmbH
Eberlestraße 27, Eingang 2